Doongala Adult Riding Club

Full Membership
Full Membership
Full membership gives you the opportunity to participate in 12 rallies with no additional cost; use of the grounds when there are no events organised by DPC or DARC such as competitions, rallies or working bees; HRCAV affiliation and insurance and you can compete in HRCAV competition representing Doongala ARC.
Attendance at working bees is voluntary (and greatly appreciated)
2024/2025 Things you should know
FEES for 2024/2025 Full membership:
Joining Fee (new members only) $50
Membership Fee $450
Chaff chat Online $ free
FEES for 2024/2025 Associate membership:
Joining Fee $50 (new members only)
Membership Fee $370
Chaff chat Online $ free
•Non-riding membership is $40.00.
•You must complete an HRCAV Annual Membership Disclaimer Statement . Your details cannot be registered with the HRCAV if this form is not received with your club membership form and medical information form.
•Fees need to be paid by 1st November, for you to be covered by HRCAV insurance and for you to be permitted to use the DPC club grounds.
•As a DARC member you are required to help when the club runs events and also to help at working bees organised in conjunction with the Doongala Pony Club. The profits from events enable us to improve the grounds and facilities and maintain a high level of instruction at rallies. If you do not help in working bees or events your future club membership may be reviewed. Please be prepared to offer your help willingly.
•Please remember to clean up your horse’s droppings from the arenas and yards if you use these facilities.
BANK DEPOSIT: Bendigo Bank Mt Evelyn BSB: 633 000 Acct. No.: 14327 8059 Account: Name: Doongala Adult Riding Club Inc. PLEASE put your surname on the deposit transfer and INCLUDE A COPY OF RECEIPT with your membership form, HRCAV disclaimer statement and medical information form.
CHEQUE: Make cheque payable to Doongala Adult Riding Club Inc. and send with your completed application form, signed HRCAV disclaimer statement and medical information form.
 Send your forms and copy of receipt or cheque to: The Secretary, DARC 1419 Healesville Kooweerup Rd Woori Yallock 3139 OR submit fees and forms at the October rally. OR scan forms, bank deposit receipt and email to secretary@doongala.org
Membership, medical information and HRCAV indemnity forms are available on the website www.doongala.org.
All forms must be completed and submitted with membership fees. (Fees only will not be accepted.)
Thank you for your continued support for our club.
Associate membership provides the same benefits as full membership except if you wish to attend rallies there is an additional fee currently $35 per rally.
Attendance at working bees is voluntary (and greatly appreciated)
Associate Membership
Associate Membership
Full Member Form
Full Member Form
To be completed and submitted to secretary@doongala.org for full membership applications
Medical Form
Medical Form
To be completed and submitted to secretary@doongala.org for all membership applications
Disclaimer Form
Disclaimer Form
To be completed and submitted to secretary@doongala.org for all membership applications
Associate Member Form
Associate Member Form
To be completed and submitted to secretary@doongala.org for associate membership applications